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Kicking it like like a pro: Our 4th test run event in Kyiv

Kicking it like like a pro: Our 4th test run event in Kyiv

Our 4th test run event in Kyiv, the beautiful capital of Ukraine, was our biggest one yet with more than 30 amputees, their families, soccer celebrities and international media attention - and it all went down in legendary soccer settings.

Star dust was sprinkled over our 4th test run event in Kyiv, once again co-hosted by U+System.

32 amputees, both bilateral and unilateral, experienced a rejuvenation in their steps thanks to our running blade and the Levitate Forever, both of which were brought home with them after the event.

The majority of these attendees were Ukrainian veterans, and the event saw generous sponsorship from Direct Relief for the prosthetic components, with U+ System and the Danish Rotary Club Roskilde Syd also contributing significantly with prosthetics.

This event marked a series of firsts.

For many of these amputees, just being active again was a significant game game changer. And for the first time since our work in Ukraine, other Levitate veterans joined us in fitting the newcomers with our prosthetic feet, building a strong community for adaptive athletes in the process.

One of these veterans is Oleksander, our first Ukrainian beneficiary of Levitate prosthetics.

Now training as a prosthetist, Oleksander's participation as a specialist fitting these veterans with new prosthetics underscored the event's heartening narrative of empowerment and community. After completing his first O&P lessons to become a prosthetist, he had the honor of fitting 10 people wih 20 prosthetic feet as well as training his fellow veterans in using their new Levitate products.

Training new prosthetists plays a vital part in Ukraine's ability to continue in assisting the many wounded veterans and civilians in the future.

"Veterans like Oleksander can really make a difference to the amputees. Not just physically, as he fits them with prosthetics, but also mentally as he proves that you are more than capable of living the life you used to - even when missing a limb." says Oleksandra Mostepan, CEO & surgeon at U+ System.

Taking place in the training facility of Kyiv's soccer team, FC Dynamo Kyiv, the stage was set for a unique event.

As a pleasant surprise, New Balance sponsored the event with brand new shoes for the attendees. These new shoes came into play as players from FC Dynamo Kyiv hosted an impromptu soccer tournament with the amputees, their families and prosthetists all playing with - and against - one another.

Looking over the tournament was none other than FC Dynamo Kyiv player and captain of the Ukrainian national soccer team, Andriy Yarmolenko, who brought his expertise and encouragement to the field.

The event evoked intense emotions for all participants. Many Ukrainian veterans proudly demonstrated their newfound abilities to their families, while others, overwhelmed with emotion, tearfully called their spouses to share the news that they could resume their lives with just a few hours of training.

These beautiful moments were captured by local Ukrainian media outlets and international news organizations like the Danish Broadcasting Company (DR), highlighting the significant impact of Danish involvement in Ukraine and the remarkable transformations taking place.

This event marks our fourth test run in Kyiv, conducted in collaboration with U+ System. Through these efforts, we've empowered over 100 Ukrainian amputees, enabling them to regain confidence and embrace active lifestyles once again.

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