Adaptive table tennis: Swinging paddles in Ukraine

Last week, patients at the Unbroken Center in Ukraine participated in a table tennis workshop, experiencing the Paralympic sport first-hand with the aid of responsive Levitate feet.

From walking to running
Overlooked by table tennis legends

The workshop was led by Victor Diduh, a champion of the Summer Paralympic Games, alongside Ivan Kozachuk. The patients were inspired by the exceptional skill of their mentors, leading to several spirited matches. The event was not only a testament to the athletes’ prowess but also an inspiring demonstration of the possibilities for individuals using prosthetics.

The event was made possible with the support of Direct Relief, Carlsberg Ukraine and the Kyiv Table Tennis Federation. Direct Relief played a pivotal role in this event, sponsoring Unbroken Ukraine with prosthetic products from Levitate. Carlsberg Ukraine generously provided the necessary ping pong equipment, ensuring that all interested patients could continue to train and enjoy the sport as part of their recovery process.

Looking ahead