Moving forward: Ivan's inspirational story

This is the story of Ivan, his family, and how the gift of movement helped them regain the joy of everyday life.

Meeting Ivan for the first time

When we first met Ivan, he was using crutches, and while his recovery was still a work in progress, everything changed when he tried the Levitate Forever. His gait noticeably improved, and soon after, he was able to set aside his crutches and walk unaided—a clear sign of the progress he was making.

A few months later, we received heartwarming videos from Ivan’s wife, capturing their family enjoying life’s simple pleasures—dancing, playing ball, and making cherished memories together. These moments are what truly matter, and seeing them embrace life again was incredibly rewarding for all of us.

Ivan’s story is one of those that remind us why we do what we do. We are honored to see how the power of movement can restore not only mobility but also a sense of hope and joy.