Yana Stepanenko’s new beginning on Levitate running blades

From a tragic story of loss to a national symbol of endurance and courage. Yana Stepanenko’s story is truly remarkable.

First 1K on Levitate running blades

Last month, we met Yana at Unbroken Ukraine’s facility in Lviv. Here, we witnessed Yana trying on our running blades for the first time with the help of Unbroken’s O&P crew. Taking a few tentative steps, she quickly found her rhythm, and with a little guidance from our very own Product Engineer, Jacob Bolton, she was running confidently in no-time.

At the NewRun event in May, the day after fitting Yana with running blades, Yana joined fellow runners from Unbroken. As the starting signal sounded, she launched forward, her blades carrying her smoothly over the pavement, finishing her first 1K on Levitate running blades.

The 1K race was more than just a distance to cover; it was a symbol of Ukrainian perserverance and courage.

A powerful unity